Socrates Café
Serious Questions to Ponder
Question 1: How can I find truth?
Truth corresponds to the actual state of reality and is not an
illusion. Reality is that which does
exist as opposed to that which does not exist.
What “is” defines reality and what “is not” defines illusion.
Truth is an accurate understanding and
communication of reality. To seek truth
is to figure out what reality is and adapt my thinking to it. [1]
How can I find truth?
The Two Extreme Options
A. Superstition –Irrational beliefs that
interpret experience
B. Scientism - Only what can be discovered by
the scientific method is real.[2]
Other Options
A. Logic vs. the illogical - A cannot equal non-A – Law of
contradiction. Something cannot be true
and false at the same time. No true
paradox possible.
B. Existential experiences which give us a
“eureka moment” of insight into the state of reality. [3]
C. Historical Occurrences
D. Scientific discoveries
E. Trusted Revelation from God
F. Metanarrative, which is a “big story”, that
provides the most likely harmonization of the collected data. The “Mega-Story “is an attempt to get a
“forest” view of reality. [4]
[1] For a discussion on the various understandings of truth we can
look at
[2] “The principles and empirical processes of discovery and
demonstration considered characteristic of or necessary for scientific
investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the
formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to
demonstrate the truth or falseness of the hypothesis, and a conclusion that
validates or modifies the hypothesis.”
This raises the issue of
the Philosophy of Science which tells us that the scientific method rests on a
more basic philosophy which cannot be proven scientifically.
Existential Reasons for
Belief in God: A Defense of Desires and Emotions for Faith by Clifford Williams
[4] The
seven main “mega-explanations are:
Physicalism or
Materialism – The belief that everything is physical, or is necessitated by,
the physical. There is no “super
natural” world in which God or other “spirit” beings exist. Everything is ruled by and understood by the
laws of physics and natural science.
Pantheism – The
belief that God is everything and everything is God. In reality there is only one being that has
an appearance of being many. All is one
and all is God.
Deism - A belief
in God based on reason rather than revelation and involving the view that God
has set the universe in motion but does not interfere with how it runs.
Polytheism - The
belief in more than one deity, especially several deities. None of these deities are eternal, infinite,
all knowing, omnipresent, or all powerful.
Theism - belief
that one God created and rules humans and the world, not necessarily
accompanied by belief in divine revelation.
This one God could have also created other “spirit beings” but these
beings are dependent and under the ultimate control of the one God. God is the source of morals, ethics, and
ultimate justice for humanity.
Nihilism - The
belief that there is no objective basis for truth, objective knowledge about
anything is impossible, and that life is pointless.
Christianity -
the world view based on the life, teachings, example, death, resurrection, and
return of Jesus the Messiah/Christ.
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